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Here in this body are the sacred rivers; here are the sun and moon, as well as all the pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.  -- Saraha Doha
Tree, Sedona, AZ
Living in the Moment
Relationship to Aging

You all want to know what stops you from having what you want? What part of me is keeping it from me? It is you consciously. You've already preconceived how tomorrow is going to be. Since you have already preconceived it, how can anything change and be different? It can't because emotionally you're living in the past. Drop the past, totally drop it . . . for one moment, split time, drop the past, drop the expectations and live in that moment and then that expectation of going to something new and fun can be every single moment of your life. That is loving life. Loving life is when you have no expcetations about what it is going to bring you, so you can fully enjoy it.

You all know how to organize, put things in order, but you haven't learned how to be the source yet. The Source lives in the moment. A source just says, 'Hey, I love and I love life'. You're trying to learn to get to a point of just loving life enough - which means no expectations - that the part that made this whole entire universe will take care of you.

You'll find that if you could take all the people one-hundred-years or older from your planet and interview everyone of them, they all have a couple of things in common. One, it doesn't matter what they ate. It doesn't matter whether they exercised or not. Some of your ancient ones smoked from the time they wre twelve-years-old and they are just fine. Some of them did every terrible thing. They drank every day of their lives. They weren't on the good people's diet list!.

The one thing that everyone has in common that lives to a hundred-years plus is, they lived in the moment and they didn't worry about the future. They didn't take life seriously. The ones that are a hundred and ten didn't believe everything anybody told them about themselves. They didn't buy the images. They lived their own truth. You'll find in common with everyone who lives to a nice ripe old age that they don't go around judging life a lot or judging other peole. They just trealize that life is for living, not for dying over and not for being stressed over.

In order to change the body, to rejuvenate it, all you have to do is to let life in it, which means you get rid of the expcectations. It is that simple.

Excerpt from "Joy Riding the Universe" by Sheradon Bryce





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