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Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.   -- Mae West

Non-Sexual Intimacy - Some Basics on Feeling Good

Intimacy is NOT necessarily about full sexual contact. Intimacy is all about two people forming a connection and bond between them. That involves becoming best friends, trusting each other, knowing each other, understanding each other. A couple holding hands and sitting together quietly, watching a sun set, can be far more intimate and connected than a pair of people who meet at a bar and jump in bed for sex. Intimacy is grown and developed, it can't be rushed.

Probably the classic way to build up intimacy is the back rub. Every person gets a sore back after a day of life! To turn away from someone and trust them to be good to you is a very powerful thing. And back rubs feel so good.

Just about every person's feet hurt at the end of a day, and feet are not something normally touched. So caressing and massaging each others feet is special in two ways. First, you are making them feel really nice, which is always good! And second, you are caressing a part of their body that hardly ever gets ANY attention. So it is a special, unusual, private sensation.

Holding hands is something young kids do with their parents, as a way to feel safe. It's something couples do, to show each other they still love each other. It is a universal symbol of caring, tenderness and security. Your hands are extremely sensitive, they are the main way you "take action" in life. So to have your hands interlocked with the hands of another person is the ultimate way to say "you are what I choose in my life."

Holding hands isn't "childish." Touching hands is the universal sign of tenderness and love. Hold hands more often - as you walk down a local nature trail, as you drive on your chores, as you sit and watch a movie. Maintain that touch.

Humans enjoy contact. The ultimate sign of trust in a world full of danger is to allow someone right up against your body. To open your arms and welcome someone into your personal area, up against your chest and hold them there is an incredibly powerful statement.

So when you see that special person in your life, give them a warm hug. Really mean it. You don't have to smother them for 5 minutes - but give them a meaningful squeeze to let them know that you really do appreciate them being there. When you are saying goodbye, give them a hug then too, to send them on their way.

And in the middle, random hugs for renewed tenderness are always nice!

Parents kiss their kids, aunts kiss their nieces, grandparents kiss their grandkids. And yes, boyfriends kiss their girlfriends. These are all expressions of love and tenderness. Your mouth and lips are where all of your thoughts and emotions come from, and to press them against another person is an ultimate form of communication.

Don't think that every kiss has to be an ultimate passion lip-locking extravaganza. Those types of kisses are about lust and power. The best kisses are the soft, tender ones - the ones that say "I am here, I love you and care about you."

For that true partner in your life, a soft kiss hello when you meet, and goodbye when you part, are great ways to make those times full of tenderness.

Excerpted from the web site,

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Date of Last Update: 08/12/2005
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