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My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.   -- The Dalai Lama
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by Ari Chase

Imagine being in a restaurant. The menu is filled with options, and when the server arrives, we choose what we feel moved to eat. A little while later, the process is complete and our food is presented for us to enjoy. In the restaurant there may be so many people that the food takes longer, or the dish takes more preparation time. The point is that the initial choice set the wheels in motion. Every aspect of our lives works like this, regardless of the size of the choice. It really is this simple. Our assignment is to clear out what is blocking our choices from showing up, so that we’re in the best position to experience what we choose.

We are constantly making choices, yet we may not be allowing our choices into our lives. We may say we want to be loved, but our old wounds can say that opening to love will be painful and we will be hurt. This gives the Universe mixed messages, and results in our not experiencing being loved. This can lead to frustration and anger with ourselves, others, the world, the Universe, and God. In the end, we are responsible for our choices. Any blame must begin with ourselves.

At some point we all have sent mixed signals to the Universe. It’s like ordering at the restaurant and then changing the order every minute. How can anything be prepared and served under those conditions? In a restaurant the server would say a choice must be made and stuck with or nothing will come. For example, you may say you want more money, yet you believe money is the root of all evil. This creates a disconnect, and you have blocked your choice. And we wonder why we aren’t experiencing what we’re choosing…

Here’s an effective way I use to remove the blocks. I state “I choose to experience ___________ and give myself total permission to experience it. I choose to release everything that keeps __________ from occurring and this release happens whether or not I am aware of what needs to be released. I release it all from the roots and causes of the roots from my entire being, throughout all time and creation. I choose to have it be instantly transformed into love and light for all. I give myself full, complete permission to experience all of this instantaneously, and choose to begin experiencing this reality now.” I then seal it by stating “And so it is ~ Aho/Namaste.” If it resonates, feel free to use this information. Or create your own.

We must be clear with our choices and reinforce them. By continuously reaffirming our choices, we take them deeper, helping them transpire. It’s like building a house; the original choice is the foundation, and every time we restate that choice we add another room. Sometimes we become aware that a choice we made no longer serves us, so we choose differently. This is fine, so long as we continue being aware and consciously change our choice when necessary.

What if a conscious choice was made and reaffirmed, yet it still didn’t provide results? One possibility is that we’re blocking ourselves. The other is that something Greater sees that what we’re choosing isn’t for the greater good, or our own best interest. We dealt with the first above, and for the latter, we need to choose what our heart desires, not what we think we’re supposed to be/do/have. By choosing what our heart desires, we tap into the deepest parts of ourselves and life opens for us in ways we never imagined. This is key to whether we truly move forward on our paths. Life is waiting to open up ~ if you choose.

About the Author:
Ari Chase, a Heartalk Master, specializes in helping people dissolve blockages and limitations through the power of their hearts. A Heartalk with Ari is a journey deep within yourself, creating change in your foundation to help you move forward from a healthier more powerful place. If you’re ready to make deep, lasting change in your life, contact Ari at 1.866.439.2522, or via





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